Bye bye Mr. Winter

Finally Mr. Winter is giving up his grip on the farm.  Although I do have several piles of snow that are well over 8 feet tall I think we are over the hump of last year’s nasty visit.  As always, things are moving on here at the farm.  It’s been almost 8 months since Jim’s death and it is still hard to believe that he won’t be roaring up the driveway anymore.  Dealing with his death and estate have been a real eye-opening experience for me.  Thank God he had a will made out and I knew where it was.  It made everything so much easier for me to take care of things and know his wishes for everything.  Taking care of Jim made me realize that I needed to take care of my own responsibilities so today I picked up my will and all the rest of the documents that go hand in hand with one’s death.  Now I know my girls won’t have to deal with anymore heartache than necessary.

The indoor was fantastic to ride in this winter.  Right now I am down to 1 boarder but still have 7 horses in the barn.  Jennifer and I picked up a new TB gelding on Saturday to take the place of her big jumper horse.  She and Boo will probably win the South Farm year end awards in the training division (3’3″) and since she won the novice division with him last year (2’11”), we have decided to retire him and use him as a lesson horse.  He doesn’t like water so that makes eventing him a difficult thing and he tends to get very stressed over things.  I guess it’s from racing for so many years.  Freddie is coming along but he is only 4 so she found Manny and we liked what we saw so we bought him and brought him home!  He is so calm and gentlemanly, just a dark seal bay TB but I have a good feeling about him.

My lesson kids are coming along well.  I know it helped being able to ride all winter.  Now I’m itching for the mud to go away so we can get the large dressage arena footing hauled in.  The future looks very good for my lesson kids!  State fair here we come :).

We are in the process of remodeling the bathroom.  Jim’s very best friend is doing a wonderful job of it.  I am basing the whole remodel around a shower curtain that I found at Rod’s last year at Congress, showed it to Randy and he picked out everything (mostly) and it’s all coming together nicely.  It’s a good thing because I don’t handle change well and I’ve had a lot of change over the last few months and I need a vacation.

I hope all the wetness goes away pretty soon.  I am itching to get the garden started.  Right now the whole garden is a mud pit.  Since I am lucky and have sandy soil it shouldn’t take too long for things to dry up enough to get my peas and onions in the ground.  My garden is next to the woodburner so we’ve been piling wood that is going to need to be cleaned up.  Always something to do!

I have come to the conclusion that Jim must be visiting Tanna quite a bit.  She is always jabbering away to him, calls him Pop Pop.  She will come into the dining room and look at his pictures of him on various horses and just start talking away to Pop Pop.  She was too young when he passed to remember him so I know he is coming to her now.  That is very comforting to me.

Well, time to head to the bedroom…………….

About qtrhrselady97

Horse trainer, equine massage therapist, mom
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